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Travel Hottie is a well-known travel blog dedicated to helping travellers by providing tips such as best places to visit, things to do, and other details to make their journeys pleasurable.

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9 Places to Visit in Ambala | Tourist Places in Ambala

Ambala, known as one of the cantonment hubs of the Indian Air Force & Indian Army, is home to thousands of Indian soldiers. Located in Haryana, Ambala is also recognized...

Places to Visit in Pathankot | Tourist Places in Pathankot

Located on the borders of Himachal Pradesh and Jammu & Kashmir, Pathankot is one of India’s largest cantonment areas, spanning approximately 2,000 acres. Its proximity to the picturesque...

8 Places to Visit in Panchkula | Panchkula Tourist Places

Just 10 kilometres from Chandigarh, Panchkula has been praised for its lush green surroundings and water canals. Panchkula attracts many tourists from Haryana, Punjab, & Himachal Pradesh, as these...